A printed panel with a horse theme - I think I'll make this into a pillow for a young girl at church who LOVES horses. :)
Found three BIG blocks in crisp red and white material, in a kind of "Irish Chain" variation (?). May make a big table runner out of this, or something to put on the back of the couch perhaps.
A closeup of the red and white blocks.
Then, there was this little treasure. I've always admired the "Cathedral Window" pattern." It's not technically quilting, but the way you sew it, it ends up fairly thick and heavy. Evidently, this was "in progress."
But I love seeing the colors and patterns in the center fabrics ...
... very interesting, reminding one of stained glass. Hence, "Cathedral Window." These "blocks" are bigger than most I've seen.
A square of colorful fabric pinned on, perhaps was next in line to be added?
A needle and thread is stuck into one corner, having been worked in some quilting or stitching lines.
Colorful fun, with a mystery story of where it came from.